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Apple's Worthy iPhone 8 Models in X's Shadow

Reviews of Apple's new iPhone 8 and 8 Plus started turning up this week, and for the most part, they've been laudatory. However, the reviewers can't seem to get their minds off the jewel of the Apple universe, the iPhone X.
Both the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are "awesome" and better than last year's models -- but iPhone shoppers who want to be part of the future will save their money and buy an iPhone X later in the year, suggested David Pierce for Wired.
"The iPhones 8 check every box a phone has ever checked before, but they feel like the last of something right as Apple and others prepare the first of something else," he wrote.

"When your phone can see you, and see the world," he continued, "it will change what a phone is, and does, and can be. This fall, Apple's giving you a choice: get a seat on the best piston airliner ever, or take a chance on jet engines."

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